• Did You Know Chiropractic Treatment Can Help With Headaches
    Oct, 2020

    Did You Know Chiropractic Treatment Can Help With Headaches?

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    Headaches, we have all been there! Pain in your head can have a negative impact on your day. It is hard to function and focus on your daily activities with a throbbing headache. You may end up taking an over-the-counter pain reliever or two, hoping that it will do the trick. At times, the headache might persist even after taking these pain relievers. There is no need to feel stuck, chiropractic treatment can still help. Depending on the cause and type of headache that you are experiencing, chiropractic care can be a treatment option for you. There are a few types of headaches that Chiropractic Treatment can address:

    Tension Headaches

    These types of headaches are brought about by stiff muscles at the neck and back. This is likely to be caused when you strain the muscles at your back and head. Stress and other lifestyle choices such as poor posture or hours spent looking down at your phone or computer can also be a contributing factor. Tension headaches are characterized by a tight feeling and pain from the forehead to the back and neck. The location of the headache may depend on the muscles involved and the referral pattern of that muscle.


    Migraines have many contributing factors and a variety of symptoms that can differ from person to person. Generally they affect one side of the head more than the other and can vary in intensity. This type of headache is identified as throbbing, but  is known to be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sensitivity to sound and light. The pain and discomfort from migraines can be severe enough to disrupt one’s life.

    Cluster Headaches

    This is a type of headache that occurs periodically and in clusters. An attack can last somewhere from a few minutes to several hours. One can have multiple of these in a day, hence the name ‘cluster’. One may experience a period of cluster headaches, that may disappear for months before resurfacing. Cluster headaches come with severe pain at the side of the head. The cause of cluster headaches is still being investigated.

    Cervogenic Headaches

    Cervogenic headaches arise from issues with the cervical spine or neck disorders. With this type of headache, pain may be felt on one or more areas of the head and face and is worse with different neck movements or positions.

    Causes Behind These Headaches and How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

    Lack of Enough Sleep

    Sleep is essential as this is the time when the body gets to rest and repair itself. Problems are bound to arise when you are getting inadequate sleep. Poor sleeping habits can be the reason behind the lack of sleep. One may also suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea that can interrupt a night of good restful sleep. With a poor sleep routine, one may be susceptible to developing headaches.

    Along with other tests and treatments, the chiropractor will make recommendations to help you rest well. This can involve adopting good practices such as consistent sleeping time, exercises, and warm baths among others. It can also include avoiding things such as using screens before bedtime. Lastly, you may need a new orthopedic pillow in order to give your neck a proper rest position as you sleep.


    When a joint doesn't move the way it's supposed to in the spine, it is sometimes called a subluxation. When subluxation occurs there is added pressure on the nervous system. This will affect the body’s ability to perform natural functions. In some cases, this can lead to pain and headaches, especially when it comes to the posture of the cervical vertebrae. This in turn can increase muscle tension that occurs in the neck.

    Taking medication in this situation will only help to temporarily relieve symptoms. Chiropractic treatment, on the other hand, will help address the root problem of your neck posture. The chiropractor will restore movement to the cervical vertebrae to relieve muscle tension and pressure on any nerves.


    If you are having headaches that go around the forehead and behind the eyes, it could be due to vision problems. This can occur as a result of the eye muscles becoming strained. Long periods of staring at a screen, squinting, and bright lights could all lead to eye muscle strain.

    A chiropractor can help alleviate the pain caused by eye strain. They may also recommend various ways to prevent eye strain. In these cases, it is also recommended to see your optomotrist for an eye exam to see if prescription lenses are needed to reduce your eye strain.


    You do not have to let headaches ruin the quality of your life! You may want to consider chiropractic treatment alongside other solutions. This is a drug-free option that will help you deal with this pain. It is seen to be effective when it comes to treating some types of headaches as seen above.

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