• Acupuncture For Menopause
    Oct, 2020

    Acupuncture For Menopause

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    Menopause can be an unpleasant stage of life. Hormonal changes are at a peak, and the body may become more prone to deteriorating health conditions. With these changes, it can be very difficult to stay focussed. Performing simple tasks becomes highly tedious and daunting. With a recent study, it was shown that Acupuncture is helpful in treating the symptoms of menopause. Even a relatively short course can bring a significant change to the body.

    There are various medicines and pharmaceuticals available in the market that can help reduce the effects of menopausal symptoms, however, these may cause unwanted side effects that can result in more harm than help. Acupuncture doesn’t involve any drugs, the treatment approach is minimally invasive and generally pain free.

    Let’s Understand The Common Symptoms Of Menopause?

    Some of the most common symptoms faced by women during menopause include hot flashes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, excessive sweating, and other skin and hair problems. According to health experts, acupuncture is effective in reducing the symptoms of menopause and helping the women through the phase smoothly. Acupuncture offers an alternative treatment option for women who would like to avoid hormone replacement therapies.

    Menopause can be very difficult and can have a great impact on a woman’s well-being, health, quality of life, and productivity.

    What is Acupuncture?

    Acupuncture is a gentle, natural, holistic and effective way to deal with the symptoms of menopause. It helps with balancing hormones, reducing hot flashes, improving the quality of sleep, and reducing irritability. With the help of Acupuncture, women can improve the quality of life and become more motivated to look at life from a positive perspective.

    Acupuncture - an effective way of treating the body by improving or re-establishing the flow of energy in the body. It helps the body relax by relieving traumatic or emotional obstructions. The improved flow of blood flow throughout the body also helps in nourishing affected tissues. In the process, extremely fine needles are inserted in various body parts, these are called the acupuncture points. These needles are helpful in removing stagnant energy and stimulating tight tissue. They also activate the natural healing process by correcting hormonal imbalances in the body.

    Although acupuncture has a traditional history that is thousands of years old, the needle insertion process has a modern scientific explanation. Needling exact acupuncture points helps stimulate the nervous system. This in turn releases chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. Acupuncture is helpful in early menopausal transition symptoms such as:

    • Short and irregular menstrual cycles
    • Severe and/or prolonged PMS symptoms
    • Insomnia and/or irregular sleeping patterns.
    • Anxiety, stress, and depression.
    • Irritability and/or weepiness
    • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
    • Hair loss
    • Digestive tract deficiencies, constipation, and bloating
    • Headaches

    Acupuncture Can Reduce Hot Flashes

    With Acupuncture, you can lower the severity of hot flashes as well as night sweats. After a few weeks of treatment, you may begin to feel a reduction in these symptoms. Some women may see drastic changes, whereas with some it takes time. You can be sure that within 8 weeks you will notice the difference.

    Acupuncture Helps In Reducing Joint Pain

    Expert health professionals have found that with Acupuncture, women can get rid of the joint pain. Acupuncture treatment provides relief by releasing pain-relieving endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that act as analgesics, meaning that they diminish the body’s perception of pain. Regular acupuncture treatment can ease joint pain and decrease the chances of recurrence.

    Acupuncture Is Helpful in Maintaining Hormonal Balance

    Acupuncture is a treatment that is considered highly effective in improving the balance of hormones in the body, which in turn will help with all symptoms.


    Acupuncture is very effective in eliminating or reducing the severity of menopausal symptoms. If you want the long lasting effects, regular treatment is essential. It will not only provide relief from the symptoms but also improve overall health.

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