• chiropractor after a car accident
    Mar, 2021

    4 Reasons To Visit A Chiropractor After A Car Accident

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    It is a great idea to see a Chiropractor after a car accident. Automobile accidents are a fairly common occurrence no matter how cautious of a driver you are. According to Transport Canada's National Collision Database (NCDB), there were 152,847 people injured in 2018 alone. Whether it is a minor fender-bender or a more serious collision, whiplash injuries can occur. An accident may even be a result of natural occurrences, such as inclement weather causing slippery conditions, or breaking suddenly to avoid a deer or a moose.

    Many people are unaware of the treatments that are necessary if they have been involved in a car accident. Most automobile accident victims visit the emergency department at a hospital if they have noticeable, serious injuries, or simply consult their general physician if they were lucky enough to escape the crash with a few minor cuts and bruises. It is appropriate to treat the visible injuries first, and possibly undergo a scan or an x-ray so that the doctor can rule out any fractures or internal injuries. However, what is equally as important is to visit a chiropractor to get treated assessed for non-visible injuries. Injuries to your spine, joints, or muscles require proper treatment. Unfortunately, most people tend to ignore any pain or soreness in their body post accident as they believe their body will recover naturally. If the pain is unbearable, they may take some over the counter pain relief medication or even painkillers prescribed by their doctor.

    Majority of motor vehicle accident victims are unaware of the possible long-term implications of ignoring their whiplash injuries. In certain cases, these injuries can manifest into chronic pain, which may lead to pain for years. By consulting a chiropractor at the earliest opportunity, people may avoid such discomforts.

    1. Treatment For Whiplash 

    Treatment For Whiplash

    When one vehicle hits another, there is a high chance that the passengers in the cars might suffer from a whiplash injury. Due to the impact of the accident, the victim's head and neck can get jerked forward and backward quickly. You may also hit your head or other parts of your body againt the car. Airbags may be deployed which can cause pain as well. The injury can be minor or severe, mostly depending upon the speed of the vehicle at the time of the accident. Most commonly, people will complain about pain in their neck and shoulders. A chiropractor will be able to gently complete treatment on these affected regions. They will use a combination of slow movements, stretches, pressure points, and manipulations to treat the neck, thereby providing relief from pain and stiffness. They may even suggest other modalities such as shockwave therapy. This therapy delivers acoustic waves to the affected region in order to promote faster healing and tissue regeneration.

    2. Treatment For Soft-Tissue Injury 

    Treatment For Soft-Tissue Injury

    Both the driver and the passengers involved in a motor vehicle accident may suffer soft tissue injuries including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the body. These injuries may include muscle strains, sprain of a ligament, or bursitis — an inflammation of the liquid-filled sac that provides a cushioning effect between the muscles and bones. A chiropractor will gently provide treatment to the affected areas and guide you through a series of stretching exercises designed to improve motion, reduce pain, and promote healing. They may even use acupuncture or dry needling therapy to minimize the pain and aid in faster recovery.

    3. Medication Free Treatment 

    Many people are wary of consuming painkillers, as they believe it is a "band-aid" solution to the problem. Although many doctors may prescribe strong pain medication to car accident victims, pain medicine comes with inherent side effects. Side-effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and opioid addiction are reasons an accident victim should also consult a chiropractor for treatment. A chiropractor can treat the spine, joints, soft tissues, and other injured parts of the body which will result in a reduction of the stiffness and the accompanying pain.

    4. Reduce Headaches

    Many accident victims suffer headaches or migraines, even weeks after the accident. These headaches can be a result of either physiological or psychological reasons. Physiological causes like muscle tightness can cause headaches. A chiropractor will help alleviate this by identifying the root cause and treating it. Similarly, the stress of having been in an accident may contribute to headaches. Again the chiropractor will first rule out any physical injuries and then give you ways to reduce stress. Therapies like manipulation, acupuncture, deep breathing, and dry needling are highly effective in minimizing symptoms of stress.


    A chiropractor is a medical professional that one should consult after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. There are a multitude of benefits of obtaining chiropractic care under these circumstances. Above everything else, chiropractors assess and treat their patients' injuries and help prevent chronic impediments following a car accident.

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