• How Physiotherapy Can Benefit With Lower Back Pain
    Aug, 2020

    How Physiotherapy Can Benefit Lower Back Pain

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    Do you ever feel like back pain is ruling your life? Are you having a hard time carrying out your daily routine or work duties? If yes, then you are one of the millions of people who are suffering from a back pain condition. According to a 2019 study, up to 80 percent of the global population is suffering from back pain! It is one of the primary causes of disability and one of the most common reasons for doctor visits and sick days. A physiotherapist is trained to diagnose your back pain including testing of the spine mobility, ligament stability, and muscles.

    A physiotherapy program including manual therapy, stretching, and strength training  is a proven effective treatment of lower back pain. Physical therapy not only eases the pain but also helps improve your posture, strength, and mobility to prevent future episodes of back pain. In the long run, it may help reduce the need for anti-inflammatory drugs, injection therapy, or surgical intervention.

    What is Physiotherapy?

    What is physiotherapyPhysiotherapy is a treatment in which a physiotherapist applies a wide range of techniques to improve the movement and function of your joints and muscles. If you are suffering from chronic back pain, physiotherapy can treat your back by reducing muscle tension and stiffness, addressing muscle imbalances, and teaching you pain reduction techniques to get you back to normal mobility. We can also help you to make strength changes that reduce the chances of hurting your back again. Physiotherapists use a wide range of treatments and techniques to help with back pain such as manual therapy (hands on therapy), soft tissue techniques (including cupping and Graston), needling techniques (including acupuncture and dry needling), and most importantly a specific custom exercise program.

    How Can Physiotherapy Help You To Treat Back Pain?

    One of the essential points to know to decrease the pain is to get early treatment. The longer the symptoms linger, the longer it may become to treat as chronic pain is a complex process. Physiotherapy treatment focuses on treating lower back pain through hands-on techniques, exercise, correcting body mechanics, and posture. These treatment techniques improve the condition of the body quickly and reduce your chance for recurrence. A physiotherapist will complete a thorough physical examination and customize the entire treatment plan based on your specific findings and your goals.

    Manual Therapy Techniques (hands-on treatment): Physiotherapists are skilled in many manual therapy techniques and use precise hands-on techniques to relieve stiffness and improve the movement of the joints and muscles of your spine.

    Specific Exercises: To get rid of the lower back pain, your physiotherapist may suggest muscle movement exercises that help in restoring the motion and decrease radiating pain. Some physiotherapists may use a movement and exercise protocol called the McKenzie method. This method involves repetitive movements in a specific direction to alleviate your symptoms. 

    Progressive Strengthening Exercises: These exercises generally focus on core stability and endurance of the back and core muscles. Creating strength in these areas will provide more stability to the spinal structures and prevent future injury.

    Education: Your physiotherapist will teach you about the anatomy involved in your back injury, provide suggestions for posture and sleep positions, and provide reassurance about the recovery process from low back pain (which is generally a very good recovery!)

    How Effective Is Physiotherapy For Back Pain?

    Physiotherapy has emerged in the research as one of the best ways to prevent and treat back pain. This practice encompasses exercises, joint mobilization, stretching, massage, acupuncture, dry needling, and other techniques that relieve your discomfort.

    Receiving physiotherapy after an acute episode of back pain can help prevent complications and reduce the need for doctor visits. The sooner you get treatment, the faster your recovery will be.

    Physiotherapists can also recommend stretching and strengthening exercises that target the back muscles. If you’re in pain, they can perform manual therapy to ease pain and improve joint mobility.

    Many times, soft tissue release makes a big difference. This practice, which is widely used in physiotherapy, relaxes the muscles, improves joint flexibility, and relieves tension. The physiotherapist may recommend Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, trigger point massage, mobilization, or manipulation therapy. These techniques not only relieve pain but also improve mobility. Massage also stimulates blood flow to the affected areas, which helps speed up healing. Moreover, it reduces muscle tension and soreness, which also makes it particularly helpful for athletes.


    Physiotherapy can treat back pain in more than one way. The techniques used depend on your needs and symptoms. After assessing your condition, the therapist will develop a custom treatment plan for you and recommend preventive measures.

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