• Are You Developing Text Neck
    Nov, 2020

    Are You Developing Text Neck?

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    "Text neck", also known as forward head posture, can cause stress and strain to the neck. It is caused by having your head in a forward and downward position over a long period. When maintaining your head in this position, great amounts of tension are placed on the muscles of your shoulders and neck. This condition becomes more prevalent if you spend long hours using handheld devices like smartphones and tablets. If left untreated, text neck can lead to pain, strain of the neck ligaments, soft tissue irritation, and increased curvature of the spine. An indication of text neck is when you notice these symptoms frequently when using your handheld device or shortly after. This condition, however, can be managed with treatment by a physiotherapist.

    Symptoms of Text Neck

    Neck pain and soreness are the most common symptoms of text neck. However, there are more symptoms which could indicate text neck. Other symptoms include:

    Neck stiffness: You may experience difficulty and soreness when moving the neck. This symptom is usually experienced when you attempt to move the neck after long usages of a mobile device.

    Arm/Hand tingling: You may experience tingling sensations in your arm, hand, or fingers while using your device.

    Muscle weakness: The muscles around the neck and shoulder may become weak after long usage of devices. This may lead to pain around the neck, arm, or shoulder region.

    Headache: Sub-occipital muscle tightness can result in tension headaches. This can become worse when looking down or using the computer.


    General pain: Pain may be restricted to a particular small area or may be spread out over a larger area, radiating into the shoulders and arms. In extreme cases, it is characterized as sharp pain. General PainIf you are having any of the symptoms above, it is advised that you see a physical therapist to receive treatment. Generally, if the pain becomes more frequent or severe, or is accompanied by severe headaches, fever, nausea, weight loss, dizziness, and numbness/tingling that radiates into the arm, it could indicate a more serious underlying condition. Your physiotherapist will screen you for serious conditions and provide you a referral to other health professionals if necessary.

    Physical Therapy for Text Neck

    A physiotherapist can help manage the pain you may be experiencing from text neck. This treatment is intended to enhance the range of motion, and decrease the pain and stiffness of your neck. Your physiotherapist will also assess your posture so they can offer the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition. There are a few common treatments a physiotherapist may prescribe for text neck, which include:

    Postural correction: Since text neck pain is a result of holding the neck in a forward flexed position, your physiotherapist can teach you how to attain and maintain proper posture. This can reduce tension and stress in the muscles around the neck which will help reduce pain. To maintain proper neck posture, a neck roll or cervical support pillow may be used while lying down and sleeping.

    Modification of the aggravating factors: It is now known that text neck is caused by holding the neck in a forward position while using a device for a long period. Your physiotherapist will offer measures to help you understand the relationship between your posture while using a handheld device and your pain. They may ask that you always maintain an upright position and adjust the position of the device to eye level. Some physiotherapists may recommend the use of custom made device holders or ergonomic supports while working, this can help keep your neck in proper position.

    Exercises: Your physiotherapist will teach you exercises and stretches to increase the strength and flexibility of your neck. This will help counteract increased tension and stress to eliminate neck pain and reduce forward head posture. Exercises to relieve pain include scapular retractions and cervical retractions that relax the muscles and restore proper posture. Other physical treatments include joint mobilizations, posture correction exercises, neck stabilization exercises, postural taping techniques, posture braces, and soft tissue massage.

    Rehabilitation is a very effective way of treating pain resulting from text neck. The management plan for these pains can be designed as a 4-6 week program starting with pain relief and soft tissue movement and then building up to strength. Once you start work with your physical therapist, you should notice that your symptoms improve rather quickly. Your neck pain may be resolved within a few weeks after starting physical therapy. In severe cases, pain medication, needling, or modalities like TENS may be added to your care.

    Prevention of Text Neck

    As with many musculoskeletal injuries, prevention is better than a cure. Prevention is very important when it comes to text neck. There is great emphasis on the importance of maintaining the right posture while texting or using devices. Regular exercise to keep your neck in the best possible position is also an important strategy to prevent text neck. The following are recommendations you should keep in mind while using your handheld devices:

    1. Take frequent stretch breaks and avoid excessive usage.

    2. Avoid static postures while using these devices for a prolonged time.

    3. Place the device closer to eye level so that it reduces tension on the neck and other vulnerable parts.

    4. Avoid holding heavier devices in one hand for a long period.


    Pain is the most common symptom of text neck, and is often the first to be treated. A physical therapist can conservatively manage text neck. The major purpose of treatment is to reduce the pain, minimize tension within the neck muscles, and identify postures that make your symptoms better. Stretches, exercises, and postural awareness are typical treatments for correcting and preventing the recurrence of text neck. A physiotherapist is considered a great option to assess your posture and neck. They have the ability to identify the main issues and recommend strategies to help treat and prevent this condition.

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