• Chiropractic Adjustments for Treating Headaches
    Feb, 2021

    Chiropractic Adjustments for Treating Headaches

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    Some people experience occasional headaches, but more frequent headaches can become disabling. It can affect your ability to complete daily tasks and sleep, and these effects can be very challenging. A variety of factors can cause headaches; it may be due to high blood pressure, low blood sugar, fatigue, stress, tightness in the neck muscles, and reaction to certain medications. The two most common types of headaches are tension headaches and migraines. Cluster headaches are another type, but they are less common.

    Tension headaches are the most common, affecting the largest percentage of people suffering from headaches. It is often described as a nagging, dull, achy feeling on either side of the head or behind the eyes. Usually the onset is gradual, and tends to begin in the middle of the day or the evening. This type of headache can last for minutes, days, or even months. Tension headaches can be a result of bad posture, whiplash injury, stiffness, stress, or jaw tension. People who perform desk jobs can get headaches from their posture. Muscle strain in the neck region is another cause of tension headaches. Although often not associated with other symptoms like nausea or vomiting, the pain can be severe at times.

    Often linked with sensitivity to noise or light and nausea, migraines are a different type of headache. They can occur for anywhere from a couple of minutes to a few days. Before the attack, sufferers often experience “aura”, a visual disturbance. Aura is often described as seeing short and vivid lights or a distortion in their peripheral vision. One of the theories on migraine causes involves a constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. This constriction is hypothesized to decrease the flow of blood. Other triggers of migraines can include lack of sleep, strong odors, flickering lights, and some swear they experience symptoms witht changing weather patterns.

    Chiropractic Adjustments for Headaches

    At some point in their lives, everyone has been affected by a headache. Headaches are experienced in many different ways. Some people feel the pain on one side of their head or behind the eyes, while for others, it is a throbbing sensation inside their entire head. The pain itself may last anywhere from a couple of minutes to a few days. Luckily, most headaches do not have serious consequences and can be effectively treated with chiropractic adjustments.

    A very good way to relieve and manage tension headaches are through chiropractic care. Chiropractic care provides sufferers with a safe and non-invasive alternative to prescription medicine. A chiropractic adjustment is delivered by a chiropractor. The adjustment helps minimize joint stiffness through attempting to reduce inflammation and improve the function of the affected joint. In a lot of cases, the pain caused by tension headaches can be better managed by increasing neck mobility. Every case is quite different and you will require a thorough evaluation before a proper plan of chiropractic care can be implemented.

    Chiropractic Adjustments for Tension HeadachesChiropractic Adjustments for Tension Headaches

    Chiropractors are skilled professionals who can help assess, diagnose, and manage headaches. Through a distinct combination of chiropractic treatments, tension headaches can often be managed. This is done through a combination of treatments tailored to the individual’s specific needs. These treatments may include dry needling, ultrasound, adjustments, and physical therapy referral. You may even obtain quick relief from the pain resulting from tension headaches in just a few sessions. Other chiropractic therapy options for tension headaches include:

    i. Trigger point release: Trigger points within tight muscles of the head, shoulder, and neck can cause headache referral into the head. This pain is may extend from the back of the head to the forehead and the eye. Release of these trigger points can offer relief from headaches. You will be shown how to maintain healthy muscle length with home stretches to help prevent future headaches or self-manage future headaches.

    ii. Low-load cranio-cervical mobilization: This care involves a very gentle force used in a spinal manipulation. For the management of headaches, the force is gently applied to the joints of the neck. This allows for the cervical segments to move more freely, and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Stretching is also important following this treatment so that any motion you have gained with mobilization or manipulation can be maintained long-term. 

    Chiropractic Adjustments for MigrainesChiropractic Adjustments for Migraines

    Migraines have many causes. Once serious pathology has been ruled out, a variety of chiropractic treatment options are available that may help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraines. They include:

    • Neuro-muscular massage:

    To ease symptoms, chiropractors perform soft tissue release and various forms of massage therapy on tight areas such as the shoulder, neck, back, and head.

    • Multidisciplinary care intervention:

    Since migraines have many causes, a multidisciplinary approach can be very effective in managing the pain caused by migraines. This may involve different health practictioners such as a combination of physical therapy, chiropractic care, medical doctor, stress management, dietary counseling, and relaxation techniques.

    Health Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments for Migraines and Tension Headaches

    The health benefits of chiropractic adjustment depends on the type of headache. Generally, chiropractic adjustments can offer you the following health benefits for headache: 

    1. Reduced pain (intensity and frequency) 
    2. Reduced stiffness
    3. Relief from stress and tension 
    4. Improved physical function and performance
    5. Education on self management strategies
    6. Improved posture


    Any type of headache must be taken seriously. If you often have headaches, consider consulting a chiropractor. The same is beneficial if the pattern of your headaches changes, if you often feel the need to take painkillers to relieve your headaches, or if your headaches are not getting any better. Making some lifestyle changes as well can help minimize the likelihood of future headaches. Seek immediate medical attention if your headache is suddenly severe, comes on after a head injury, or is associated with weakness, fever, very stiff neck, decreased sensation, or difficulty speaking. 

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