• Kinesiology
    Oct, 2022


    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    What is Kinesiology?

    Kinesiology is the scientific study of human body movement and performance. Kinesiologists are experts in physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, strength & conditioning, skill training (motor learning), and rehabilitation. Kinesiologists hold a Bachelor degree in Kinesiology (4 years of University studies) and specialize in creating exercise programs for recovering from injuries (including work and car accident injuries), enhancing performance (athletic, sport, work), adaptation (facilitating physically active lifestyles for people with physical impairments), and promotion of long term health.

    Who is Kinesiology for?

    Kinesiology is for those looking to recover from an injury (including falls, sport injuries, car accidents, work injuries, and more), those looking to improve their performance (such as improving their running form, jumping, speed, golf swing, etc), and those who require adaptation for a physical impairment (such as exercise following a chronic condition including stroke, heart attack, diabetes, brain injury, concussion, etc), and for those looking to promote long term health (if you are wondering about an exercise program for posture, general strength, and injury prevention).

    What is the difference between Physical Therapy and Kinesiology?

    Great question! Physical Therapists and Kinesiologists often work closely together and both can use exercise as part of their treatment plans. Physical Therapists have the ability to diagnose injuries and have further education in assessment of injuries. Physical Therapists also have additional treatment skills such as manual therapy and needling (acupuncture, dry needling). Many Physical Therapists have a background in Kinesiology prior to pursing their Masters of Physical Therapy designation. Often, injuries will be assessed and diagnosed by a Physical Therapist, and then referred to a Kinesiologist if they require a research based exercise program for their recovery. For example, if you have low back pain the Physiotherapist may assess your injury, clear red flags (such as nerve injury), complete some manual therapy and needling to get you moving better

    Are visits with a Kinesiologist covered by insurance?

    Kinesiology visits are approved by WCB, MVA (car accident insurance), and most health benefit plans. Since every insurance plan is different, it is always best to check your individual coverage.

    How can I book an appointment?

    To see our Kinesiologist, you can book an appointment online here or call our office at 780-757-9001.
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