• How Do Video Physio Appointments Work
    Oct, 2020

    How Do Virtual Physio Appointments Work?

    Posted By: Forward Wellness

    Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many people are working from home. As per the government guidelines, people are asked to stay at home as much as possible. It is also necessary to maintain social distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands frequently when you do leave your house. There are many health professionals who have embraced online appointment methods to reach out to their patients and help them with any issues they face. As in-person appointments have become more difficult for some, physiotherapists are now offering online physiotherapy appointments through video calls.

    Most people are wondering how a physiotherapist can provide treatment through a video call. Is it even possible? Yes absolutely! If you are suffering from any sort of musculoskeletal problem you can easily benefit from a virtual physiotherapy treatment. The assessment and treatment plan would be completed through video. Here the therapist can see what the issue is and demonstrate different options for treatment. The physiotherapy treatment will be based around education, exercise, stretching, posture training, and rehabilitation.

    Online appointments have previously been considered solely for tech-savvy people, however, as people adjust to the new normal, you can see an increase in the general population making use of online platforms to find a solution.

    There are various steps involved in online physiotherapy. During the appointment, the physiotherapist will contact you over a secure, private video call. The physiotherapists are skilled in assessing your problems, even through a video call. So let’s understand how these physio appointments work.

    Verifying The Entire Medical History Of The Patient: These appointments are private, so your therapist will be alone in order to focus on you. This will make it easy to convey your problems and previous issues or injuries to your physiotherapist. You can even show your previous report or send a scanned copy of the documents through the video calling software or email. Going through all your reports and medical history will allow your therapist to create the right treatment plan, specific to you.

    Assessment Of The Physical Body Posture: – Your therapists will make an observation of your postural or other physical abnormalities, assessment of movement, and also perform virtual tests specific to the injured area.

    Physio Diagnosis Process: Generally, the diagnosis would not be done on the spot. Your physiotherapist will look into all the physical aspects of the body and your medical history. After assessing everything, they will be able to properly diagnose your issue. After everything has been taken into account, they will then create a treatment plan specific to your needs.

    The Physiotherapy Treatment Plan – Treatment plans are created based on the current health condition of the patient and previous medical history. As the treatment has to be given virtually, the physiotherapists would prepare the patients and impart knowledge regarding treatment. This will involve education, goal setting, self-management techniques, an exercise program, and guided self-manual therapy.

    What Do You Need To Do While Preparing For Online Physiotherapy Treatment?

    After looking at the previous medical reports and your current condition, you will receive a brief email regarding the entire treatment plan. Through the documents, or sometimes videos, you will have all the information you need to begin the treatment plan. This will help you be prepared well in advance which will make it easier for therapists to provide treatment.

    How long do you think the online physiotherapy appointment will last?

    Generally, the assessment will take around 45 minutes to 1 hour. Follow-up treatment appointments will take about 30 minutes. The timing is only approximate, more time may be needed depending on the body part(s) involved or if it is a more complicated condition.


    During the pandemic the world is embracing the new normal and finding new and creative ways to deal with obstacles. Virtual appointments are an effective method of providing musculoskeletal assessment and treatment.

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