An ankle surgery may be a necessary procedure following a fracture, trauma, bad sprain, severe arthritis, or many other injuries. You may be wearing a cast or airboot and using crutches initially after surgery to keep weight off your ankle while it heals. Following cast removal, your ankle may be left feeling sore, swollen, stiff, and weak. You may also need assistance restoring your normal gait (walking pattern). Our therapists will assist you with your healing journey after your ankle surgery and they will create a custom treatment plan to address all of your concerns and get you back on your feet (literally!). Your treatment plan following surgery may include manual therapy (hands on treatment), soft tissue work, and exercises to complete at home to get your ankle back in shape! Other additions to your treament may include needling, compression socks, and pain-relief modalities (such as TENS). The goals of treatment often include decreasing pain, increasing mobility, increasing strength, and returning you back to your usual activities, work duties, or sports.