Pelvic Fractures usually occur following a trauma such as a car accident or a fall. There are three parts to the pelvis: the ilium (hip crests), the ischium (the “sit bones”) and the pubis (the “pubic bone”). The pelvis also has a lot of muscles and ligaments attaching to it, making it a fairly stable structure. The main job of the pelvis is to transfer load and forces from the spine to the lower extremity (the hip). When you have a fracture of the pelvis, it would be difficult for these forces to be transferred through the pelvis so you may have a hard time standing and putting weight on your legs. During early healing, you may require a period of bed rest and bed exercises. Once the fracture is stable, you will slowly build up to weight bearing exercises and you may need to use a walking aid (such as a walker or a cane) initially. Physiotherapy will play a big role in gaining back your hip strength, returning to walking, and reducing the pain and stiffness after your fracture.