SI joint dysfunction occurs at the SI Joint (also known as the sacroiliac joint) which is located in the low back right above the hips. Pain in this region is usually very pin-pointed and tends to occur with activities such as stair climbing, single leg activities, and changing positions in bed. Typically this joint is very stable due to the multitude of ligaments surrounding it. Therefore, injury to this joint is sometimes contested, but it is possible. In some cases the area may be too stiff, but in other cases the SI joint may have too much movement and require some stabilization from the surrounding muscles. Instability (or too much movement) tends to be common in postpartum women following childbirth as the pelvis has been through some expansion to accomodate baby. Pain in the SI joint may also be indicative of other conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis. Your therapist will be able to assess your low back and SI joint to provide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to help you get back to a pain-free lifestyle.