Hip Bursitis is a condition that causes pain in the hip. The affected tissue is called a bursa. The bursa is a fluid filled sac meant to provide cushion and decrease friction over the outer bony part of the hip. Bursitis occurs when there is an inflammation of the bursa leading it to swell and be painful. Causes of hip bursitis include trauma (such as landing on the outer hip), posture/position (for example, lying on hard surfaces on your side), or tendonitis of the glute muscles. Symptoms of this condition usually include pain on the outer hip that is worse with climbing stairs, lying on your injured side, high impact activity, or increased pain after prolonged sitting. Your outer hip may even be tender to touch or sensitive to pressure. Hip bursitis is also sometimes called Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome. Treatment for this condition includes inflammation control, range of motion activity & stretching, and exercises that strengthen the area to prevent future recurrence. Your therapist will provide you a custom treatment plan to address your concerns.